How To Start An Employee Referral Program On The Fly

Audio Transcription

Audio transcript may not be 100% accurate:

Have you ever had a position posted for days, weeks, even months, and not had any qualified candidates apply? And yet when you give it to a staffing agency they have it filled with just in a week, well, if that sounds familiar, I have some food for thought for you as a staffing agency. One of our biggest sources of candidates is referrals from our current employees. We get referrals all the time for happy candidates who are placed at employers that they love going to work every day. It was a great fit for them. They enjoy the environment. They have so many positive things to say about the work that they're doing, that they want all their friends to join them. How about you? Are you getting referrals from your employees? If not, I might suggest you might have a cultural issue that we need to talk about and address together. Try this. When you have your next position, open, walk around to each department in your company and ask if they have one or two friends or former colleagues they can refer to the position. If you're getting good responses, good feedback from your employees that they might have a friend or two to suggest that's great news. That means your employees are happy doing what they're doing. Happy enough that they're gonna invite their loved ones and their friends to join them. If you get some "uh maybes" or "yeah, let me think about it. " I would take a pause and think about what message that's telling you too. Happy employees want their friends and family to join them, and they're going to work hard to make sure that happens. So next time you have a job opening, take a second. Think about it. Think whether or not there is someone in your company that you can ask for a referral and get a sense and a temperature on how things were going internally just by asking that one simple question. Of course, if that doesn't work out, we're always here ready to help you fill that role. But I think it's really important that you know, and you get an idea of where your current employees stand. That's it for today.


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